Welcome to the Elgin Area, IL Branch of AAUW


from Linda Youngren

As we approach the beginning of a new fiscal year on July 1, it is time for a changing of the guard on our AAUW Board. It has been an honor to serve as your Co- President for the past two years. I have to admit that I came kicking and screaming into this position, but I soon learned what a pleasure it is to work with the capable, intelligent, dedicated members of the Elgin Area branch. Also retiring from positions as officers this year are Mary Navin, who has served three years as Co-Vice-President of Program as well as chair of the Nominating Committee; Ruth, our Co-Vice-President of Membership for three years (Yes, there is a reason we are the 3rd largest branch in Illinois.); Bonnie Hill, who as Membership Treasurer for seven years carefully learned the complexities of the new national membership system; Jan Jones, our faithful Recording Secretary; and Julie Jindra, our Corresponding Secretary who is not retiring but continuing
on as Co-Vice-President of Program. Thank you for your service to AAUW.   I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the other Board members as well, who in leadership positions have done a fabulous job of handling all of your responsibilities. You have helped ensure that we remain a vibrant, robust branch dedicated to the mission of AAUW. 

Congratulations and best wishes to Jennifer Ford and Judi Tepe and the new slate of officers that will continue on.  We know that you will be a great team. We leave our branch in good hands.


Continuing in positions to which they were elected last year are the following:
Jane Watson, 1st Co-Vice President (Program);
Cathy Malm, 2nd Vice-President (Membership);
Sandy Kaptain, Treasurer.
Automatically assuming the office of Past President:
Linda Youngren
Recommended by this year’s Nominating Committee and
approved by the Board, the following were unanimously
elected at our May banquet for two-year terms:
Jennifer Ford, Co-President;
Judi Tepe, Co-President;
Julie Jindra, 1st Co-Vice President (Program);
Cindy Maldonado, Membership Treasurer;
Beth Small, Recording Secretary and
Corresponding Secretar

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AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research.
Equity for all.
In principle and practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership.  There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.